Acupressure methods are known to relieve people from stress or any kind of pains in the body and the Chinese medicine is a popular method that has been in used as a healing therapy for centuries. All that is required is to press on a point for just few seconds.
Chinese therapists say, “This acupressure therapy involves acupuncture pressure to points that lie along meridians in our body in order to promote relaxation and treat illnesses. We can find these points on more than 400 places on our body. There are 12 major meridians and the vital energy called qi (chi) flows through them. They also connect specific organs, thus organizing a system of communication throughout the body. When one or more of these meridians are out of balance or blocked in some way, it causes an illness to occur.”
By applying pressure on this point in the body, the muscle tension is reduced and there is an improvement in blood circulation. This method also stimulates endorphins, the chemicals in the brain.
Several studies reveal that this therapy is really effective as it either eliminates or reduces pains and aches in the body. It is definitely a better alternative than taking too many pills.
“When doing this acupressure therapy, you must know that the points should be pressed with moderate pressure for a few seconds up to a couple of minutes and then released. While holding the acupressure points, take a slow,deep breaths in order to get better results.”
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